Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Beginnings of the Middle Miles.....

         There are some things I'll never understand why we have to "experience " in life. I will never fully understand how Gods mind works , I'll never understand His thought process, His testing , His ways .(of course bc they are higher than ours.) But with all of the things I do not understand, there are some truths that are easily understood. 
       I know the Lord has allowed me to be broken so that he could mend me. He has allowed me to be lonely so that I would see He was all that I needed; He has made me reach deep in my heart and soul to find all the faith I could find and revealed to me that it would be enough. He has given me times of hardship and war so that I could feel His grace & peace cover me . He has allowed me to see darkness so that I knew there was light, and He has allowed me to see hatred so that I could understand love. 
       The Lord has shown me first hand how little of the great big picture I can see. He has humbled me in more ways than one and taught me to try to see life through others eyes and when I get lucky He gives me a glimpse of what He sees through His eyes.Through every bit of this I have grown to appreciate every detail that makes up the beautiful characteristics of who Christ is. I have learned He is enough. He protects , He loves, He is in control and is a constant teacher. These things which I have learned through life's many ups and downs, I could never have fully understood had I simply read them in scripture; but when the word comes alive in my life and God shows up and give me hands on learning experiences ; that is something we never forget. Some things can't be taught in a classroom with a book and notepad; Some thing's must be lived. Our faith has to be tested for us to understand that it's real; we have to see that we are in a war to know that we need protection & saving. And we must be reminded of who we are fighting this life for in order to know who to trust. So on days there seems to be no answers, no guidance , no protection, and our faith is lacking ... Hold on! On days like today when my understanding is lacking and my heart is broken, I trust that this will be a time God teaches and mends. When my faith is weak and fear steps in, I pray that He is my strength & reminds my "better half" and I to "fear not , for He is with" us. No matter the distance or the circumstances; no matter the Miles in the Middle; He is Lord of all & distance is nothing to Him...time is nothing to Him and at the end of it all I may not understand but I choose faith. We are told the road is narrow and this life will have trouble, so when the road is narrow, rocky and straight up hard, God will take our hand and carry us through. He will be our lifeline back to our foundation,  He will give us faith & He will simply be the sanity we need sometimes :-)

Happy Thursday!  or almost Thursday..
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" -John 14:27
