Thursday, November 17, 2011

April 16, 2011

A Love that’s so honest, patient and true
That runs through the heart and starts at the soul
It understands all of my needs, desire and dreams
As our hearts are now joined by eternities’ seams.
As time has past by and love has moved in,
In you I see hope, a future and friend.
In your eyes I see passion and in your hands I find peace
to cradle my heart as this love will not cease.
So today I choose you to have and to hold.
Our lives are now bonded for the creator to mold.
As He fashions and forms us to be the best husband and wife 
We will remain one together through love and through strife.
The road may not be easy but I promise you love.
We will hold tight and cling to Him above.
So I vow my love to thee
A precious gift you will always be.
Everything I am, I offer to you
my past, present and future too.
Please take my heart and keep it near
As God is our refuge we will not fear.
This love that we share is our Lord’s mercy, truth and grace
As we honor Him in our marriage we will forever see His face


  1. Beautiful, Leslie! I didn't know you had a blog...I will start checking in periodically :)

  2. Thank you so much! I have had one for a while but my email account messed up and I could not log on anymore so I have had to start a new one! Thanks for following=)
