Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Just before having one of the strongest prayers  ever prayed over me, my dad said he heard recently an amazing point; "what if everything you did NOT thank God  for today  was taken away tomorrow in a split second...what would you have left? Would you have anything left?" Needless to say during that prayer we thanked God for everything.. Including my health which hasn't been the best lately... When things are put into perspective everything appears so different. How many days go by and I say my same "thank you God for this day and everything you have given me... now I Ask for you to....."" lets face it, we all get a little lazy with our prayers sometimes, especially the "Thanks" part and we skip right on to the "please get me out of a bind" part...Although I mean what I'm saying, I know in my heart I could do a little better or a LOT better....During this prayer and time of reflection,  I realized I have so much more to thank Him for than to ask Him for...I started focusing on every single blessing, big or small, from the ac/heat to the food in my frig, to the pillow in my bed, to the many clothes I don't need. I thanked him for my amazing husband Blake, my parents & all the wonderful people who have also lifted my family up in prayer so many times.
    Instead of focusing on a droopy eyelid that's been going on since September and an eye ball that hasn't been able to look straight because it has been completely stuck looking to the right; I thanked God for my vision, for my body, health & for this life I have done nothing to deserve.. I thanked him for my ability to walk, run and breath.

    A dear friend of my family told me the night before, he had a dream. He said he is not one to dream things and tell people but God had placed this on his heart. He said he dreamed that my uncle which was an evangelist placed his hands over my eyes and prayed over me. When he was done, I opened my eyes and they were perfect. He wasn't sure if this meant my uncle needed to pray over me or if I just needed hands placed on me. He will never know what this vision meant to me.. through the tears I laughed and said well "Ill let everyone pray over me until we get it right!" we all laughed but I was serious! =)
       I know the presence of God was in that room and working through my dad and mom praying and faithfully laying hands on me...I have seen people get healed and heard about it all my life but I have personally never experienced it in my own body. I know God does not always work the way we want him to and He has His own way of doing things. Since September I have woke up every day waiting on my miracle. Every morning I have woke up praying I would only see one set of numbers on the clock or one door in my bedroom and nothing had changed. I was beginning to wonder if this again would be a new normal in my life? I knew deep down, that all I needed was such a small touch from Him and that would give me relief and peace over my body like He has supplied so many times before. 
      The next morning I woke up like everyday thinking I'm not even going to look in the mirror because nothing has probably changed; however before getting dressed I glanced up & noticed something different.  My eye was not only not drooping, it was able to look straight! I snapped a quick picture and text it to my dad because I was sure it wasn't going to last but it was still exciting; however, God proved me wrong! My eye was better all day! It has continued to get better each day! Who knows what will happen in the future,  it's not perfect still but I know now I'm counting my blessings however they may come. Some may say it's the medicine, others may say it's the diet change and many vitamins but I believe it's only one thing and that is God. He has the power to work through whatever tools he decides to use or use no tools at all. I  know one thing, I am now trying a new method of prayer! God is so good and He deserves so much more than a "thank you" when things seem to be going good. He expects our praise through the storms of life as well.  So lets all keep in mind this Holiday season and everyday of the year how blessed we are and how much we have to be thankful for; because in reality we did nothing to deserve what we have, It was given as a free gift from God.! And remember the true battle is already taken care of so  just let God be God! (much easier said than done I know, that's why we have faith)
God Bless!
Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield: My heart trust in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exalts. And with my song I shall thank Him.

I wrote this the weekend before thanksgiving but was at the camp with no reception. Also this all happened the weekend of Justin's Birthday, just thought the timing was neat!

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