Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years

Ecclesiastes 3:  1 There is a time for everything , and a season for every activity under the Heavens:  2. a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3. A time to kill and a time to heal. a time to tear down and a time to build 4.a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance."
       Searching for a resume I needed to find, I came across some other saved files on my computer the other night. It is amazing the miracle I see as I reflect back 2 years ago on New Years when I wrote this. I was in a deep, dark place, many probably never see this side very much but it’s there. This was the New Years before last, I was struggling, lonely, mad, hurt and watching my sweet Grandfather battle lymphoma. It was a hard era and at the time looking at my history it seemed impossible to see the light and understand how things could ever get better. Three very important men in my life were taken so quickly together. Some may think it strange to share such a dark note from my past but to me it’s just another testimony of how far God can bring us. Honestly when I am in those deep, dark places myself I want so badly to read that someone else has been there and made it through. Again if we allow it, in those dark places Gods light shines the brightest.. Two years in a row on New Years Eve I sat at home alone. I was not excited to celebrate another year without my loved ones and was not looking very forward to my future without them. I knew God had a plan for my life but I sure couldn’t see a single part of it. I was a misfit for sure. As always God was up to something but this is how I felt in the mean time of learning what that "something" was....

“The carefree days full of smiles, giggles and true joy of the simple hope for the future is now a part of the past. The smiles fade, the dreams crushed and the joy I once knew is diminished. There is a certain purity I once found in the future, similar to the purity of a new born child. I saw dreams coming true and excitement in what the future would hold; now it’s almost as if I’m standing in the fog, my view of the future has changed and everyday I see this life becoming more and more clouded. It has now been tainted. I want them to come back to me so bad. I can’t breath, I can’t think, I can’t love, I can’t sing, I literally ache for them. Their absence has a left a hole. I feel all my joy has been stolen, I have been done wrong and I will never be the same. I try to keep living, keep pressing forward, but slowly I feel myself being pulled back, I fight and fight and many times feel no help from the one I know has the strength. I wake in the mornings confused between this life and my dreams. Which one is real, which is better? Am I living the nightmare, I would think so. I many times wake up still thinking I will wake to him. I miss him and still think I can call my brother to talk about my hurt. I’m lonely but yet I know I’m blessed and loved by God. I sometimes get caught in the eye of the storm and seem to get some peace, but now I feel like I’m caught in the middle of the strongest wind speeds. I want the days I once had back, or I want this to be over, I’m sick of hurting, and trying to move on only to find I’m mentally and emotionally all messed up, and may never love again. I don’t know if I have any of that “once in a lifetime love” left to give. I’m lost and missing them. Yet again, I’m sitting at home alone on the beginning of a New Year. My grandfather was rushed to the emergency room today and can not walk, what kind of timing is our God up to? I don’t like it, but I’m not God. I will submit and be His; for I don’t know what else to do or where else to go. I’m learning daily that this life will let me down, it is not dependable and although I’m going to be completely honest and say I feel also like my God has let me down I know it is simply because I am human. The ways of our God can not be comprehended or figured out. He is God, He is Lord, and though I may feel like He has turned his back on me at times, I know he hasn’t! I know He is saying “Leslie I’m holding on to you so just look up, look up to me and you will see joy, look up to me and you will see peace, look up to me and you will see love, because I am all of these things”. There is no greater love than that of our Father. The only step I must make is putting my eyes on Him and not this world. I will not find peace, joy or love to fill my voids in anyone but the creator, Lord of all, everlasting King. He stands through out the ages, and He never passes away, and though I may feel failed, alone, cheated, and robbed, I am not, this will pass and the season will change. He has never left my side.”

         Although flash backs from the feelings in this note will never completely go away, the hurt will never leave and the missing faces from Holiday pictures will always be a fresh pain year after year; We serve a God that restores, heals and gives us strength through the pain. He has a map for our lives and has rest stops and adventures  already planned out.

My how things change....later that same year I wrote this note God sent me a surprise....
Blake walked into the doors of Pathway church at the end of that spring and right into my life. God used him to teach me how to laugh, love and dream again. As Blake listened to me talk for hours about everything from, teaching and mission work to moose hunting in Canada; he also listened with his heart as I spoke about Justin and Allen. He was never intimidated, never threatened. I often wondered if he had been trained on how to handle a widow because he was so sensitive and considerate of my needs. I was amazed. He wanted to respect not only me but Justin, who was this guy?. I remember Blake telling me he never wanted me to feel like I couldn’t express that I still loved Justin or feel like I couldn’t talk about him and the cherished times we had together. He also told me he wanted me to always keep those special things about Justin and I close to my heart and never let them go…. I was falling for this tall handsome, sweet, Godly man quick and anyone could see why. The truth is Blakes desire and love for God is what I fell in love with. He was obedient, patient and allowed God to use him. He has told me many times now, that some nights he would just drive off praying after we hung out because he had no idea what to say or how to act or if it was even okay to hold my hand. Hahaha.
       Some how as God was teaching Blake, he was teaching me and softening my heart also. The next challenge came when I realized I had fallen for a soldier of the U.S. Army! Planning to go on active duty I knew that my family had been through enough and my place was with them. Through countless tears and prayers I finally came to the peace that if God wanted us together He would make a way to give us both a peace, a compromise. It wasn’t long after this prayer that the small window of time for Blake to go National Guard became available. That’s all I needed; It was our sign. We grew closer and God brought us together. The proposal and ceremony is another blog in itself but it was so special, it was hard without my big brother but I believe he was somehow there in spirit, smiling.. I could feel the presence of God and I knew what a gift, a second chance at life and love I had been given and the gratitude in my heart was so strong. Deep down I know that Justin would love Blake. Sometimes I wonder if he and Allen had a part in picking Blake for me. Justin loved our Country more than anyone I have ever known and he loved our troops! Sitting in a restaurant in the airport on our way home from our honeymoon there was a man in uniform, Justin was determined the least he could do to show his appreciation was to buy this troops meal, so he did just that. This happened multiple times on our honeymoon in the airport, like I said Justin loved our troops =) I like to think now that was my small sign of Justins’ approval for Blake. I almost feel like Justin has bought Blakes meal as token of appreciation for not only serving our country but for keeping an eye and blanket of protection on me as well and for loving me. It’s such a unique love we have. Blake played baseball in high school and college so he somewhat remembers both my brother and Justin. Every now and then a honky tonk country song will come on and Blake will say “this song reminds me of Justin”  or "this reminds me of Allen" and at that moment my heart smiles because I know I have once again found that “once in a lifetime love”. To think that one could love not once but twice is hard to comprehend, I always thought for sure it would never be an equal love and I was right. Although I would never say I love one more than the other, I would say each love is so special and one of a kind, there is no way to ever compare one to the other and for that gift I am so thankful!  An outsider looking in would probably think this was crazy, all messed up and just strange but to me it’s my life, it’s unique and has been given by God and in it’s own way it is a beautiful mess.
        Looking back on 2011 I had a blessed year. I married and fell in love with an amazing man. I had plenty of crazy, fun adventures with alligator hunting, skiing, and fishing! In 2011 I also had some battles with my physical body as well. Sometimes it takes pain in the physical for God to teach us more in the spiritual. I always try to remember, when we are our weakest, we allow Him to be the strongest. I'm so thankful God has allowed me to write a little brighter note this New Years also! So this 2012 let us all remember to not wish our life away with all of our goals and resolutions but be thankful for each day, each love, each memory and each blessing big or small that He gives us. Let us heal with His power in the body and soul, let our faith and trust be ONLY in Him and let us not fear the future but fear the Lord.for that is the beginning of wisdom. (Prov. 9:10) 
Happy New Year to Everyone!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Just before having one of the strongest prayers  ever prayed over me, my dad said he heard recently an amazing point; "what if everything you did NOT thank God  for today  was taken away tomorrow in a split second...what would you have left? Would you have anything left?" Needless to say during that prayer we thanked God for everything.. Including my health which hasn't been the best lately... When things are put into perspective everything appears so different. How many days go by and I say my same "thank you God for this day and everything you have given me... now I Ask for you to....."" lets face it, we all get a little lazy with our prayers sometimes, especially the "Thanks" part and we skip right on to the "please get me out of a bind" part...Although I mean what I'm saying, I know in my heart I could do a little better or a LOT better....During this prayer and time of reflection,  I realized I have so much more to thank Him for than to ask Him for...I started focusing on every single blessing, big or small, from the ac/heat to the food in my frig, to the pillow in my bed, to the many clothes I don't need. I thanked him for my amazing husband Blake, my parents & all the wonderful people who have also lifted my family up in prayer so many times.
    Instead of focusing on a droopy eyelid that's been going on since September and an eye ball that hasn't been able to look straight because it has been completely stuck looking to the right; I thanked God for my vision, for my body, health & for this life I have done nothing to deserve.. I thanked him for my ability to walk, run and breath.

    A dear friend of my family told me the night before, he had a dream. He said he is not one to dream things and tell people but God had placed this on his heart. He said he dreamed that my uncle which was an evangelist placed his hands over my eyes and prayed over me. When he was done, I opened my eyes and they were perfect. He wasn't sure if this meant my uncle needed to pray over me or if I just needed hands placed on me. He will never know what this vision meant to me.. through the tears I laughed and said well "Ill let everyone pray over me until we get it right!" we all laughed but I was serious! =)
       I know the presence of God was in that room and working through my dad and mom praying and faithfully laying hands on me...I have seen people get healed and heard about it all my life but I have personally never experienced it in my own body. I know God does not always work the way we want him to and He has His own way of doing things. Since September I have woke up every day waiting on my miracle. Every morning I have woke up praying I would only see one set of numbers on the clock or one door in my bedroom and nothing had changed. I was beginning to wonder if this again would be a new normal in my life? I knew deep down, that all I needed was such a small touch from Him and that would give me relief and peace over my body like He has supplied so many times before. 
      The next morning I woke up like everyday thinking I'm not even going to look in the mirror because nothing has probably changed; however before getting dressed I glanced up & noticed something different.  My eye was not only not drooping, it was able to look straight! I snapped a quick picture and text it to my dad because I was sure it wasn't going to last but it was still exciting; however, God proved me wrong! My eye was better all day! It has continued to get better each day! Who knows what will happen in the future,  it's not perfect still but I know now I'm counting my blessings however they may come. Some may say it's the medicine, others may say it's the diet change and many vitamins but I believe it's only one thing and that is God. He has the power to work through whatever tools he decides to use or use no tools at all. I  know one thing, I am now trying a new method of prayer! God is so good and He deserves so much more than a "thank you" when things seem to be going good. He expects our praise through the storms of life as well.  So lets all keep in mind this Holiday season and everyday of the year how blessed we are and how much we have to be thankful for; because in reality we did nothing to deserve what we have, It was given as a free gift from God.! And remember the true battle is already taken care of so  just let God be God! (much easier said than done I know, that's why we have faith)
God Bless!
Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield: My heart trust in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exalts. And with my song I shall thank Him.

I wrote this the weekend before thanksgiving but was at the camp with no reception. Also this all happened the weekend of Justin's Birthday, just thought the timing was neat!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

September 11th

        Today we are reminded of our loved ones; we are reminded of the day America changed and towers fell. So many lives were taken and hearts were broken. Ten years ago our country found deep within our hearts courage, bravery and emotions many have never felt. Fear was in our midst but America did not give in. September 11th also has another meaning for my family. Today was my amazing brothers’ birthday. As our nation gathers together and political debates fade into the background, today our focus is where it should be.
       Allen was at UAB playing football and baseball when he was interviewed by the Birmingham Press. He was asked how he felt about his birthday being on such a tragic day of our Country’s history; Allen responded “Sometimes God allows tragic things to wake us up and get us back to Him and today on my birthday more people have prayed and came back to Christ, than on any other day of the year”. Every time I think about his response to such a difficult question I am so proud to claim him as my big brother.  Probably for most who remember Allen they would think of how silly he was but buried in his big heart was a heart for God and for people. He was always a man who wanted to do something so amazing and he never wanted to be normal. He wanted to make a difference and although the devil tried his best to get after Allen; God won his life. I know God fought for Allen’s life until his very last breathe and I know with out a doubt He was victorious. Allen was closer to God than he had ever been when he was called home. God loves his children and his people more than anything. We are so blessed to have the love of the King of Kings and almighty God showered over us daily.
            When our Country was attacked I was sitting in class; Faith Academy halls filled with students as we came together and prayed for our nation. Patriotism surrounded us as many young men wanted to join and fight this war. As we move on and have taken our place in everyday life, we many times forget moments like these. It is hard to imagine forgetting such events but somehow we manage to push them to the side and focus on day in day out task. For many that is a means of survival for others it is denial. As things have moved on and time has past our country sometime forgets that day. No matter the reason we forget how much we knew we needed God and we forget what it was like to have nothing but a simple prayer to fight this war of life.  I am so proud of Allen for recognizing even through the most tragic events in life that God is moving, that God is real and that God has us in His hands. Allen understood Gods love for us was much deeper than we could ever imagine; he understood this life and this shell we are in is only temporary.
            Allen will never know how much his words impacted my life. In May 2008, I found myself going back to his same words as I stood grieving as many others did years before on September 11th. I reflect back and through the brokenness, darkness and hurt God allowed me to feel comfort and peace. You see, Allen knew that God used tragedy to change lives. Little did he know God was going to allow him to be used to change lives as-well. Through Allen and Justin’s lives God allowed souls to be saved. Much like the families impacted on September 11th, we never forget what we felt, we never forget our loved ones and we never forget what they meant to us; however some have forgotten what they felt that day and many say it was emotions; however, when each of us take our last breath, we will know it was real. We will know God is real, Heaven AND Hell are real and we need to live every day on our knees if we have to, to make sure we get to the right place.
        As we are taken back 10 years ago, we pray for our loved ones, we pray for the individuals who were involved that day. We pray for our nation that we remain strong and that we remember not to trust in ourselves but to trust in the ONE and Only true God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We support out troops and show them our love and gratitude. We would not be safe to lay our heads down at night without their continued efforts to fight this war and defend this great country. I am now married to a soldier of my own and I’m so proud of Blake. I’m so thankful God allowed me to have such brave Christian men in my life to fight both the physical and spiritual battles in life. I feel I have my own personal army in Heaven and on Earth.
Today on September 11, 2011 we honor the lives that have gone on before us and the bravery shown through the years. To my warm hearted, amazing brother thank you so much for all the many things you taught me and Happy Birthday in Heaven!

Chronicles 7:14
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek the face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Recently I have faced my own other battles, my sweet Aunt Pam gave me this scripture below yesterday and it is now the words I choose to stand on. She encouraged me and reminded me that we must pray the Word of God daily. So thankful for amazing people God places in my life.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

April 16, 2011

A Love that’s so honest, patient and true
That runs through the heart and starts at the soul
It understands all of my needs, desire and dreams
As our hearts are now joined by eternities’ seams.
As time has past by and love has moved in,
In you I see hope, a future and friend.
In your eyes I see passion and in your hands I find peace
to cradle my heart as this love will not cease.
So today I choose you to have and to hold.
Our lives are now bonded for the creator to mold.
As He fashions and forms us to be the best husband and wife 
We will remain one together through love and through strife.
The road may not be easy but I promise you love.
We will hold tight and cling to Him above.
So I vow my love to thee
A precious gift you will always be.
Everything I am, I offer to you
my past, present and future too.
Please take my heart and keep it near
As God is our refuge we will not fear.
This love that we share is our Lord’s mercy, truth and grace
As we honor Him in our marriage we will forever see His face

New Chapters (July 2010)

         I have always believed as we go through life God closes doors and He opens doors we never knew existed. Once again I am amazed at his remarkable touch and his never ending mercy and love. Through this journey of life as new doors open, new chapters begin. Along with those new chapters come new obstacles, adventures, characters, heart breaks and new chances for joy to enter life again. As I begin a new chapter of life I am daily learning the power, grace, love and sovereignty of our Lord. I believe He has shown me so much in the last two years and is daily teaching me what true Faith means. 
       Two years have past and the love that once was shared still remains. Although the flesh will die and the seasons will change the love God puts in our heart for one another is something time will never change, it is something no one can take away. Only God knows our hearts and only God knows the capacity of love in each of our hearts. As I reflect back on the last two years I realize many things about myself, I come to grips and first realize how completely unworthy I am to lay at the feet of Christ but as I realize this, I also see how amazing and how beautiful our Lord is to allow me not only salvation for eternal life, but also a personal relationship with him. Through Christ I am able to come before and enter into the most holy place with the highest of high Kings. He not only is a King but He is also my father. As He reigns over this earth, this world, these galaxies all I must simply do is come before him, lift my heart and my voice to him and he hears my cry, my prayers, and my praise. How amazing this is! 
       He is the comforter, listener, healer, father, and prince of true peace. When I was born he was there and placed me in the care of two of the most loving parents’ arms. When I gave my heart to him He rejoiced, when I failed him he did not turn his back on me but took my hand and picked me back up. As I entered into marriage He gave us the gift of Love, and when my world was taken from me and shattered, He came to my rescue. As I walked across the broken glass and pieces of my life; I cried out to Him and He picked me up and carried me through the glass and jagged edges of the hurt. He took my pain, cuts, and hurt from the broken pieces of my life. As he carried me, He made me stronger. He taught me Faith and gave me Love. He bandaged my heart and over time He is not only healing me but creating in me a new heart and new desire and love for Him that I never knew was possible. He has given me new eyes, to see more as He does. He is taking all of those broken pieces of my life and in His own beautiful way He is adding them to His beautiful eternal work of art.

“Pslam 25:4-5  Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”