Friday, January 27, 2012

March 15 2010

If I were to write a love letter
To the one who holds my heart,
It would never end
And new chapters would always start.

A walk down memory lane,
would be a walk down the streets of gold.
There would be no more pain
As you have my life to have and to hold.

I want so bad to touch you.
I want to feel you here
and at times you seem so distant
But your spirits always near.

The nights seem to never end
And the days seem so alone.
I long for the day I’ll see you
And I am called home.

My heart will never hurt again
And the tears will disappear.
Ill understand the way
And no longer have any fear.

Ill know why you had to leave
And why you could not stay.

Ill see every life that was changed
And all the souls that were saved.
Ill see all the mended families
And the ones who’s way was paved.

Ill see the honor in your eyes
And the love you came to be,
And then I’ll realize
I could never love you, nearly as much as you love me.

Ill see all my faults and failures
And the times I lost my way
And the times I came running back
Just to hear you say;

“It was all worth it in the end
And I’ll love you everyday.
When you can’t take another step
Ill carry you all the way.

There’s nothing you can ever do
to change the love
That runs so deep and true.
It was bought with a price and shed with my blood.

I’ll love you until the end of time,
Where you will see my view
And I promise, your world WILL have rhyme.

Where every key and every note
Will be formed and fashioned
To be the most beautiful song ever wrote.

I will be waiting here for you,
When your time on earth has past.
After all that you go through
Eternity will forever last.

You’ll feel my embrace
And at that moment you’ll know
Your sins are forever erased.”

I think back on that two lane road
And the hurt comes flooding in.
Where the brokenness that was found there
Can’t be describe or wrote with a pen.

And now theres two small crosses
And a heart carved in a tree,
Where two love stories came to an end on this earth
But in Heaven will forever be.

But on that hill
There were three crosses
And one that stood for all;
To carry all my burdens
And help me when I fall.

To love me when no one else can
To touch my heart
and take my hand.

He comforts me on days like this,
As I cry and need him now.
He knows I do not understand
Or see why or how;

He could take someone I love so much
Who could finish my every sentence
And melt me with his touch.

He was my soul mate from the start
As we laughed and talked for hours
And prayed we would never part

But there is one who knows me,
Even better than I know myself;
Who has a perfect plan from above,
That was sealed with a kiss and sent with his love.

So until that day comes
And I fall at your feet,
My heart will be yours
With every step and every beat.

I’ll praise you all through the day
No matter where I go or what I do
In my heart you will forever stay.

From the moment I walked down the aisle to become your bride
Through the hurt and the pain,
You have remained faithfully by my side.
And I will never be the same.

So now, to you my love I send.
Please hear me now;
My God, Redeemer and Best Friend

Let him know how much I love him,
And miss every second of the day.
Tell him I may get lost at times
But I promise to find my way....

Today Justin and I would have been married 2 years. What a Journey God has taken us on, but I know that in His time we will be together again.
With Love,

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