Friday, January 27, 2012

Whats going on with all the post =)

So........ just wanted to let everyone know I'm not crazy or depressed!! haha!! I'm just trying to get all of my blogs together. I had a blog before but somehow lost my password, no surprise! Now I'm just trying to get everything combined and organized. Feel free to read anything. Many of the "newer" post are actually older but they were wrote during some very trying times and I felt they did not need to be left out. Hope to get writing more and I'm trying to get this book thing going. Please keep me in your prayers as I seek Gods direction in which way to go, how to start and what words to write.... I have so many thoughts in my mind and it's SOOOO hard to get my own thoughts even organized! Thank you all so much for your love, prayers and support through everything. The Internet is a tool. We can allow the devil to use it or we can allow God to use it. I'm choosing to allow God to use it as a ministry for my life and I graciously thank you all for the encouragement! Have a blessed day!

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